Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nourish Our Hair and Scalp with Vitamins That Promote Hair Growth

Nourishing your hair and scalp is very essential in promoting healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss. Your skin and hair is the reflection of inner wellness which means that taking care of our body will help us achieve gorgeous locks. It is not enough that we visit salons to have professional treatments because the secret of having beautiful hair is within. In actuality, there are tons of Vitamins for hair loss that can contribute to healthy strands. These vitamins are present in various commercial hair products such as creams, lotions, conditioners and many more. But these are also accessible in the food that we eat.

Nutrition and Absorption of Essential Vitamins Promotes Hair Growth

Nutrition plays a big role in promoting healthy scalp and hair. Almost all of the Vitamins for hair loss can be found in food substances. So, if you want to have the most natural remedy for hair loss, consuming foods that are rich in hair loss vitamins is vital. Vitamins A, C, E and B complex along with other nutrients are scientifically proven to boost hair growth and prevent falling hair. All of these Vitamins for hair loss are important to obtain total wellness that is why it is recommended to follow a diet rich with these substances.

In order to become more familiar with these vitamins, knowing how it functions and its food sources can be of great help. These are the most common Vitamins for hair growth and the food substances that contain these vitamins:

? Vitamin A- It eliminates free radicals and promotes sebum production in the scalp.

Common sources are cheese, carrots, spinach, milk, apricots and peaches. However, taking this in excessive amounts is not good for the body.

? Vitamin B3 or Niacin- It improves circulation in the scalp which aids in the rejuvenation of hair follicles. Food sources include fish, chicken, turkey and wheat germ.

? Vitamin B5 or Panthothenic Acid- It acts in the prevention of hair loss and hair greying. You can get this from whole grain, organ meats and egg yolks.

? Vitamin B6- It is one of the Vitamins for hair loss that aid in the production of melanin, a pigment responsible for hair color. Food sources are vegetables, egg yolk, cereals and whole grain.

? Vitamin B12- It is an anti hair loss vitamin and responsible for maintaining the shine of the hair. It can be found in eggs, milk, chicken and fish.

? Vitamin C- This vitamin acts as an antioxidant eliminating toxins from hair and skin. It is commonly found in citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe kiwi and dark green vegetables.

? Vitamin E- A very essential Vitamins for hair loss and antioxidant that promotes healthy scalp circulation. Sources are nuts, dried beans and leafy vegetables.

Now, if you are determined to combat hair loss and other scalp problems, eating a balanced and nutritious diet containing all of these essential Vitamins for hair loss is necessary. Incorporating this in our existing treatment regimen can create much difference to the results.




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